Shipping Policy:
We take
up to 24 hours to process the orders.
Line Packaging Supplies ships to all parts of the United States. Our customers enjoy free shipping on their order total of $499 or more within the contiguous U.S. We use UPS or FedEx Ground Shipping and customers’ orders will take one to seven estimated working days in transit. View our image below to verify estimated transit days for your region.
Some of our products are drop-shipped directly from our suppliers and each supplier has different shipping policies. Some products are delivered from our strategic warehouses in various locations. While some orders may ship on the same day, others may take up to 24 hours to process and initiate. We continuously work hard to find the best possible ways to stock up products that you value, and will keep you updated on any future changes going forward.
Customers from
Alaska (AK), Hawaii (HI), Puerto Rico (PR), Guam (GU) and Canada (CA) cannot place orders online and do not qualify for free shipping terms. Please contact us at
[email protected] with your order details so that we can process your orders and inform about shipping options and fees.
Canadian Shipping
Line Packaging Supplies ships to Canada. Please note that upon delivery, Canadian customers are required to pay for any and all additional tariffs, taxes and/or duties. Also, since we process the billing information in the United States, some Canadian credit cards may not be able to be processed without additional assistance from our sales team. In rare instances, UPS will not service small portions of Canada and you may receive an error messages for shipping address at check out. If either of these issues happen to you, please email us at
[email protected] and we will be happy to help!
Order total from Canada must be minimum US$1,500 to qualify for free shipping.
International Shipping
For information on international orders outside the United States and Canada, please call (302) 401 1711 or email us at
[email protected]
-Line Packaging Supplies